пятница, 27 мая 2011 г.

Can People be Evil?

People behave by choice.
Men, by nature, have the tendency to get angry to certain degrees. Varying situations may force a person to be rude. Even if a person is, he will always have the heart and possess the potential to love, forgive, and forget. You need not read that in good essays to prove but you can always look for real life manifestation for some sort of evidence.
Why People Do Bad.
There are certain circumstances that provoke man to hate and do bad. One is betrayal of trust. When friends do not keep their words, and worse, let you down, it is given your feelings will be hurt.
You will be disappointed not just on the betrayal per se. You are raged because the last person you believe to cause you harm, unexpectedly arises as the villain.
The environment can also affect one's behavior. Think of the bullies at school. These kids may have parents who do nothing but shout, rant, and use their children as avenue to let out all their anger and frustration.
It depends how character is managed.
Situations at home can be considered in justifying a person's behavior. However, regardless of the environment you grew up too, it is still how you manage yourself that dictates your character.
You can have a sibling who feels happy seeing others' lives turn miserable. The fact you are related by blood does not lend a scientific explanation that you, should also react the same. A person can grow to a family whose bread and butter is gambling. It does not necessarily follow that he is greedy and selfish.
Man can evolve and work to become a better person. It is a matter of struggle to do good and stay good. We can be taught about the moral thing to do. You know all the basic principles underlying ethics but you may opt to break those rules. It all boils down to self-control.
Can one be truly evil?
As to the question if people can be evil, let us first define what the word means.
Evil is something that is morally so wrong, bad, or wicked. More often than not, the term 'evil' is used for something perceived as so wicked; it cannot be concretely described. Thus the shortcut term is used, evil.
People can be bad, depending on the situation and their choice. It is not for us to label a person evil, or even classify an individual as such. The question can actually serve as springboard for discussion and writing good essays. 
Man cannot be purely evil. While one is still vincible to death and judgment, he remains a vulnerable man, even if he chooses to act evil-like. 

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